The Andhra Pradesh Government through its AP Food Processing Society has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the National Research Development Corporation, an Enterprise of the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi (NRDC) to strengthen the agribusiness & food processing Sector by establishing Smart Agribusiness Platform Networks of Andhra Pradesh (SAPNAP).
These networks will focus on creation of enabling ecosystem for accelerated growth of agribusiness by involving all the stakeholders.
SAPNAP will have two key development platforms – Smart Agribusiness Value-chains and Smart Agribusiness Incubators & Accelerators.
Smart Agribusiness Value Chains will focus on Intelligence / Analytics / Big Data, Innovations and Partnerships. The Smart Agribusiness incubators will focus on establishment of 13 district level incubators with enabling Infrastructure and ecosystem for start ups, enterprise development and FPO mentoring.
NRDC shall be the knowledge partner in the programme and would provide the required technologies / know-how / IPRs and other value added techno-commercial services to the Start-ups of SAPNAP and linkages to the national and international Stakeholders.