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10 BEST Nations To Do Business

With score 86.8 out of 100, the New Zealand has become the Best country in the world to do business.

10 BEST Nations To Do Business
10 BEST Nations To Do business

According to World Bank’s “Doing Business 2020” report, the New Zealand became the best country in the World to do business.

Doing Business 2020 study has measured regulations across 190 economies in 12 business regulatory areas to assess the business environment in each Economy.

With score 86.8 out of 100, the New Zealand has become the best place to do business.

Singapore (86.2), Hong Kong SAR, China (85.3), Denmark (85.3), and the Republic of Korea (84) have secured 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th ranks respectively.

The United States (84), Georgia (83.7), the United Kingdom (83.5), Norway (82.6), and Sweden (82) became 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th best countries respectively.

Rank Country Score
10 Sweden 82
9 Norway 82.6
8 United Kingdom 83.5
7 Georgia 83.7
6 United States 84
5 Republic of Korea 84
4 Denmark 85.3
3 Hong Kong SAR, China 85.3
2 Singapore 86.2
1 New Zealand 86.8

Economies that score highest on the Ease of Doing Business ranking Share several common Features, including the widespread use of electronic systems, the study said.

The study also said that the top 20 economies have online business incorporation processes, electronic tax-filing platforms, and allow online procedures related to property transfers.

Moreover, 11 economies have electronic procedures for construction permitting, it added.