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Iconic Quotes By 10 Outstanding Women | Be BOLD For CHANGE

On March 8 year after year, International Women’s Day is celebrated to felicitate Women of all ages in addition to their accomplishments.

Women have progressed massively in their battle for equal rights, on the contrary there is still a lengthy range to deal with. This year, the theme for Women’s Day is ‘Be Bold For Change.’

And to inspire Women to be bolder, tougher and more powerful in all areas associated with life, our team has 10 uplifting Women’s Day quotes.

All these influential phrases, expressed by Women and for Women, will inspire you to rejoice Women in all their honor.

Take a glance:

1. Indira Gandhi

Iconic Quotes By Outstanding Women | Indira Gandhi | International Women's Day
Iconic Quotes By Outstanding Women | Indira Gandhi | International Women’s Day

“Let’s not forget that in India the symbol of strength is a woman; the goddess Shakti.” –Indira Gandhi

“Opportunities are not offered. They must be wrested and worked for. And this calls for perseverance… and courage.” –Indira Gandhi

“To be a mother, a housewife, never cost me any sacrifice – I savored every minute of those years.” -Indira Gandhi