National award winning actor ‘Chiyaan’ Vikram has reportedly taken the ominous task of directing a Video Song on the recent floods in Chennai. Leading south actors like Suriya, Vijay, Prabhas and many more will be gracing this song.
Titled ‘Spirit of Chennai’, the song will pay tribute to people who all became volunteers and fought the devastating floods that rocked Chennai couple of days ago. A promo video showcasing visuals of flooded Chennai was unveiled few days back and the full video was promised to be released soon.
The soon-to-be-released song is creating buzz in tinsel town as many southern top stars would be gracing. The full list of actors participating in this song will be announced in few days. The shoot began recently in Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha in Chennai and it would be completed by January 10. If everything goes as per plan, Vikram will release the official video song on the eve of coming Republic Day, January 26.
A commendable job from the celebs who already monetarily helped Chennai people.