Home Business All India Traders Confederation’s Jolt to Salman Khan

All India Traders Confederation’s Jolt to Salman Khan

The Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) has asked Salman Khan to change his Shopping portal name from “Khan Market” to protect the brand name of the Khan market, which has been designated as one of the Most Expensive retail location in New Delhi.

It is known that Salman announced ‘khanmarketonline.com’ as the name of his web portal, on his birthday, December 27, 2015. Established in 1951, Khan Market is a big retail location in India and it has filed a complaint over Salman allegedly using their brand name.

“CAIT has shot up a communication to actor Salman Khan today urging him to withdraw the name of Khan Market from his web portal ‘khanmarketonline.com’ which he has announced on his birthday on December 27, 2015.

A name by custom/practice/usage over a long period of time by a group of persons becomes an intellectual property right of that group of persons is an integral part of principle of natural justice. Accordingly, the first lien of using the name ‘Khan Market’ lies with traders of Khan Market only,” CAIT said in a statement.

“The name chosen by Salman Khan is more deceptive and infringes the rights of traders of Khan Market. We will not allow anyone to encroach upon the goodwill earned by traders for the market in the last 65 years,” said CAIT General Secretary.