Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra has created history by becoming the first Indian actress to win the ‘Favorite Actress in a New TV series’ Award at the prestigious People’s Choice Awards 2016 for her lead actress role in American TV series ‘Quantico’.
The 33-year-old actress, who plays the role of an FBI agent Alex Parish in the series, was competing against four actresses: Emma Roberts, Jamie Lee Curtis, Lea Michele and Marcia Gay Harden in that category.
After winning the award, “It’s my first year in America. And to come to another country, and actually to get this kind of acceptance, I guess what America is all about. Thank you all for accepting me. My mom, my manager, cast and crew, writers, ABC, everyone, I’m just really overwhelmed,” said Priyanka in her acceptance speech.
Priyanka’s acceptance speech:
“I am so fortunate! Thank U to everyone who voted for me at the #PCAs! My #PCManiacs-I am nothing without you! Big love,” later tweeted Priyanka Chopra, the pride of India.