Recently, a photograph of Pawan Kalyan’s ex-wife Renu Desai and director SJ Surya celebrating New Year luncheon had created a flutter among fans. After some digging, we found out that Surya and Renu met to discuss about the possible sequel for Pawan’s career lifting hit ‘Khushi’.
Released on 27th April, 2001, Pawan Kalyan’s romantic entertainer ‘Khushi’, marking Tamil director SJ Surya’s entry in Tollywood, became a huge blockbuster and Pawan’s image among the youths and masses catapulted to an all-time high. Since the last few months, there have been various reports that Pawan Kalyan and SJ Surya might team up again for the sequel.
It is heard that Renu Desai is planning to produce the sequel in association with a top Bollywood production house. During the time of ‘Khushi’, Pawan was in live-in relationship with Renu and the then actress played an active role in the Film, off-screen though.
Pawan has been in good relation with Renu even post their separation. Hence she is trying to team SJ Surya with the actor again for ‘Khushi 2’.