In a tragic incident, a Telugu student, Siva kiran Bandi, an MTech Computer Science student at the reputed North Carolina University, has committed suicide by hanging himself in his campus hostel room.
As per reports, Siva kiran acquired his bachelors from the renowned IIIT Hyderabad and left for America for higher studies MTech. It was reported that Siva kiran had been undergoing pressure ever since he scored less marks at the university.
An official from TANA informed Siva kiran’s parents about the tragic incident. The Telangana Development Forum in America will take the responsibility of sending Siva kiran’s body to his parents in Hyderabad.
Police are questioning Siva kiran’s elder brother, who lives in the US, to find out more details behind his extreme step. He was always a bright student hence it is still doubtful how he got bad grades.
This incident has once again raised the issue of challenges being faced by the Telugu students in America, especially the pressure to perform and the strict immigration rules.