Young hero Ram has completed a decade in Tollywood by today. This morning Ram got a bit emotional when he announced this news on Twitter. He promised to give back to his fans for making him what he is today.
“10 Years..10 Beautiful years of my life! Ur Love made me what I am today. Will try & give back as much as I can & entertain you until the end!” tweeted Ram.
On 11th January 2006, Ram made his debut in Filmdom with runaway hit ‘Devadasu’, which also marked the debut of Ileana. The YVS Chowdary directorial paved a red carpet for Ram in Tollywood. In the 10 years, Ram had 13 releases and he tasted more flops than hits.
Successes : 4
Devadasu, Ready, Kandireega and the recent release ‘Nenu Sailaja’.
Jagadam, Ganesh, Endukante Premanta, Ongole Gitta, Masala and Shivam.
Maska, Rama Rama Krishna Krishna and Pandaga Chesko.
After facing a series of flops post the success of ‘Kandireega’, Ram reinvented his career and bounced back to limelight with ‘Nenu Sailaja’.
The young actor earned the tag of ‘Energetic Star’ from his fans.