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Procurement of Toor from Maharashtra under Price Support Scheme …

Procurement of Toor from Maharashtra under Price Support Scheme (PSS) Ministry of agriculture & Farmers Welfare approves the procurement of one lakh MT of Toor under PSS upto 31st May, 2017

The proposal for implementation of Price Support Scheme (PSS) for procurement of Toor during the current Kharif season 2016-17 was received from Government of Maharashtra. As per their proposal, it was mentioned that expected production of Toor in Maharashtra will be 12.56 lakhs MT and they have requested for procurement of 2 lakhs quintal during 1st November, 2016 – 29th January, 2017.

This proposal was transferred to Department of Consumer Affairs to create a buffer stock of pulses by making procurement directly from the farmers at MSP plus bonus under Price Stabilization Fund (PSF). This procurement continued till 22nd April, 2017 and around 4 lakhs MT of Toor was procured which is 31.95% of total expected production. Due to continuous arrival, State Government had decided to procure the Toor from the farmers who have been registered or token has been issued till 22nd April, 2017 at various procurement centres from their own resources.

On 5th May, 2017, request for implementation of PSS was again received from Government of Maharashtra. In the fresh proposal they had requested for procurement of 20 lakhs quintal (2 lakhs MT) of Toor upto 31st May, 2017. They have also informed that as per their third estimate the expected production in the State will be 20.35 lakhs MT. The Notification for harvesting period of Kharif Toor was revised from September to March and extended upto 31st May, 2017.

Considering the proposal, this Department has approved the procurement of one lakh MT of Toor under PSS upto 31st May, 2017 with the condition that the procurement already made as per State Government Notification dated 27.4.2017 shall not be reimbursed or adjusted from the procurement made under PSS and State Government will make necessary arrangements for godown space and other resources for smooth PSS operation in the State.

