It looks like the BJP leaders are not letting go Bollywood actor Aamir Khan who had made few sensitive comments over the burning intolerance debate in the country.
Now, senior BJP leader Dr Subramaniam Swamy joined the brigade of critics of Aamir and said, “I don’t give importance to the statements made by Aamir Khan. I know this fact that he had collaborated with Pakistan’s ISI to promote his Movie `PK’. He has not still come out with a clarification. Being the brand ambassador of Incredible India campaign, his saying his wife feels insecure in the country was not right. If she feels insecure, she should leave.”
Swamy is a responsible leader but using a word like ‘Collaborate with ISI’ is too nonsensical.
When the country is passing through tough times like the opposition parties not allowing Parliament pass laws and Pakistan keep attacking on the borders (latest Pathankot airbase), our politicians are busy making comments against an actor who made a remark in a sensitive and unintentional manner.
If Swami has evidence against Aamir, he could provide it to the authorities instead of making these funny remarks.