Karnataka Chief Minister M Siddaramaiah, who has the habit of hitting headlines for his controversies, has kicked off a fresh controversy for allegedly slapping a government official during a function in Bellary.
A Video footage showing Chief Minister assaulting the Bellary City Corporation Commissioner PG Ramesh at the inauguration of Valmiki Bhavan is now going viral on social media with many trolling him for his behavior on public platform.
In the video, the CM was seen losing his temper and raising hand against Ballari Corporation Commissioner. As per sources, this incident happened when Siddaramaiah was accepting garlands from the people.
On the other hand, Siddaramaiah claimed he hasn’t slapped the Commissioner but he only saved the latter from tripping. He added that an issue has been created out of nothing by a section of overenthusiastic media. Even Ramesh said that the CM did not slap him but only saved him from falling.
Statements can be altered but the video footage can’t lie about the indecent act of the Chief Minister.