As per latest reports, Power star turned Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan has decided to cancel the shooting of Sardar Gabbar singh in Kerala to rush back to Hyderabad to hold a press conference over the violent ‘Kapu Aikya Garjana’.
As Pawan Kalayn also hails from Kapu community, Jana Sena chief’s stand on the sensitive matter has become crucial.
The Kapu Garjana was kicked off with a demand to include Kapu community in BCs. Soon, it took a violent turn as hundreds of protestors damaged a train and created tense situation at the Tuni railway station and in many parts of the town. Ex-minister Mudragada Padmanabham, who started this agitation, has ended it last night and gave a 24 hour deadline to AP CM Chandrababu Naidu asking him to include Kapu community in BCs. He even warned of sitting on a fast unto death until their demands are addressed.
Earlier, many vehicles were also torched by Kapu protestors including four police jeeps. When police personnel stepped into control the situation, stones were hurled at them. 7 police constables were injured in the protest. Even the vehicles of media personnel weren’t spared.
144 Section was imposed in the town and around 3,000 special force personnel were deployed to bring things under control. Chandrababu conducted an emergency meeting with officials and asked police officials to be tolerant over the protesters as it is extremely delicate situation.
Speaking to media, Chandrababu reiterated that State Government is committed to include the deserving sections of Kapu community into BCs after the constitutional process. He pleaded protesters not to resort to uncivilized activities.