Ever since Rajamouli’s epic Movie ‘Baahubali: The Beginning’ released in July 2015, there is only one question bothering the movie lovers, Film Celebrities and even top film critics across the world, ‘why Kattappa killed Baahubali?’
Rajamouli finally made a not so clear but a slight revelation in his latest interview to one of the most respected Bollywood film critic Rajeev Masand of CNN-IBN.
Assuring that the second part of the film will reveal the answer to the much talked about question, Rajamouli added that the answer cannot be explained in single line. Rajamouli also added that there is a huge build up to Kattappa’s act of betrayal of Baahubali and the entire story revolves around this betrayal of Kattappa.
As the shooting of the second part titled ‘Baahubali: The Conclusion’ is progressing, moves lovers are eagerly awaiting the film’s release to find out the curious answer.