Bollywood actress Richa Chadha, who was recently in news for her award winning Film ‘Masaan’, is all set to look at sultry Best in the upcoming film titled ‘Cabaret’.
In the First Look, Richa was seen sporting a short dress with grease all over her body. She has done hair do with strands of hair locked into curls, drawing an inspiration or copied from pop sensation Rihanna. The idea to copy Rihanna’s Sexy look was given by Richa’s hair and make-up man, who wanted her to get a bob cut look like just like Rihanna.
Directed by Kaustav Narayan Niyogi, Cabaret is co-produced by Pooja Bhatt and Bhushan Kumar. The film is pegged to explore the raunchy side of a cabaret dancer and Richa Chadha is expected to set screen on fire.