Home Business ‘Who Deleted Me’ to Reveal ‘Unfriended’ Friends

‘Who Deleted Me’ to Reveal ‘Unfriended’ Friends

Every Facebook user might have wondered at least once as how to find out who unfriended him/her. Well, here is the solution.

A new mobile app has been unveiled to allow users know who unfriended them on Facebook since their last login. The app titled “Who Deleted Me” keeps history of a user’s current friends list but it cannot provide backdated information.

When a user first login, the app takes note of his current friends list and every time he logs in again, it compares the latest version to the already saved one. The app thus informs users HOW MANY and which friends went missing since their last Facebook login.

The missing friends might be the ones who deactivated their accounts or the ones who simply unfriended a user.