In a surprising development, a Tamil Nadu-based businessman named Janardhan has accused actress Meghana Raj of cheating her.
He lodged a complaint claiming Meghana Raj has married her and later absconded. Meghana Raj has acted in several Telugu, Tamil and Kannada Movies. Her most notable Telugu movie is ‘Bendu Appa Rao RMP’ starring Allari Naresh in lead role.
During the investigation, police came to know that there were no proofs at Janardhan to prove his claims. Janardhan failed to produce the marriage certificate so the case has reportedly been closed. Janardhan alleged that after their marriage, Meghana Raj escaped with marriage certificate leaving him with no proof.
When quizzed about the issue, Meghana Raj’s mother said they don’t know who Janardhan is and have no clue why he has made such allegations. She doubts it could be a conspiracy to ruin her daughter’s career in Films. She revealed her plans of taking legal action against Janardhan.