Chief Minister of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee ended her Dharna after almost 48 hours on Tuesday evening.
Chief Minister of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee ended her Dharna after almost 48 hours on Tuesday evening. Ms Banerjee undertook such a task claiming the CBI attempt to search the house of Kolkata Chief commissioner Rajeev Kumar about chit fund scam case.
It was Andhra Pradesh Cheif Minister Chandrababu Naidu who urged Ms Banerjee to end up the protest citing the apex court order. “On behalf of 23 Political Parties, we urge her to withdraw her dharna. Everyone feels that Madam should end it. We will take up the issue again in Delhi,” Mr Naidu said.
He further claims that the Trinamool Congress will win all the 42 seats in West Bengal in the coming Lok Sabha elections. In response to this Mamata agreed to the decision and asked other parties to ‘oust the Modi Government’.