Chief Minister V Narayanasamy, accepted Kiran Bedi ’s invitation to discuss the issues in an open forum on Sunday.
The protest is being carried out against Kiran Bedi for not allowing the implementation of the State Government’s Welfare Schemes.
Narayanasamy also hoisted a black flag at his home as a part of his protest against Kiran Bedi.
Chief Minister V Narayanasamy, accepted Kiran Bedi ’s invitation to discuss the issues in an open forum on Sunday. He is protesting outside Lt Governor Kiran Bedi’s residence since 13 February. The 71-one-year-old CM Naryanasamy and his ministerial colleagues have been sleeping on the road outside the Raj Nivas, Bedi’s house, since February 13. The protest is being carried out against Kiran Bedi for not allowing the implementation of the state government’s welfare schemes.
Narayansamy tweeted that they are ready at any time and venue: Gandi Statue, Puducherry beach. Bedi had earlier tweeted that “Hon’ble CM and his cabinet colleagues may choose a date, time & venue and Keep it as an OPEN FORUM for people to hear and understand the issues once and for all. Since Lt Governor Office has worked with total transparency and sense of justice for poorest & needy.”
Narayanasamy also hoisted a black flag at his home as a part of his protest against Kiran Bedi. On February 13, Bedi in a letter to Narayanasamy had invited him for a meeting on February 21 at 10 a.m.