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US and China to finally end their trade tensions???

The trade officials of China and the US have started their last and final talk over Trade Negotiation.

US President Donald Trump and China Xi Jinping had discussed over the halt in a Trade War and to conclude with a decision by March 1.

Trump has decided to import new duties over Chinese products.

The trade officials of China and the US have started their last and final talk over trade negotiation that will be not be forced and will be sorted before March 1, the allotted deadline.

During a dinner meeting in Buenos Aires, US President Donald Trump and China Xi Jinping had discussed over the halt in a trade war and to conclude with a decision by March 1.

Trump has decided to import new duties over Chinese Products; however, if he sees progress in both the parties conversations, then he might not introduce any new responsibilities.

The trade talks were led by US Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. Vice Premier Liu He and Central Bank Governor Yi Gang were the delegates from China.

Liu He is representative for President Xi Jinping who is traveling around for US trade talks.