Home BIG Story What To Expect From Chinese Parliament Meet?

What To Expect From Chinese Parliament Meet?

The three thousand members strong Chinese Parliament, the National People’s Congress, is set to meet from March 5 to 15. today.

Huawei, the Chinese telecom giant, is planning to sue the US government. They are making use of a secret law which says that no foreign firm should be singled out from having business in the US.

Huawei has been alleged of spying on the US for the Chinese Government. Kaspersky had made use of the same law last year, but they could not get their way.

Chinese Parliament to meet from March 5 to 15
Chinese Parliament to meet from March 5 to 15

The three thousand members strong Chinese parliament, the National People’s Congress, is set to meet from March 5 to 15. There is a lot for it to consider From a slowing Chinese Economy to US-China trade talks Bloomberg reported that China wants almost two hundred billion dollars of tariffs removed before they sign any deal

Chinese Parliament to meet from March 5 to 15
Chinese Parliament to meet from March 5 to 15

Huawei, the Chinese telecom giant, is planning to sue the US government. They are making use of a secret law which says that no foreign firm should be singled out from having business in the US.

Huawei has been alleged of spying on the US for the Chinese Government. Kaspersky had made use of the same law last year, but they could not get their way.