The Election Commission of India since the Model Code of Conduct came into effect seized over Rs 2,464 crore worth of unaccounted cash, illicit liquor, drugs, gold and freebies.
The election commission of India since the Model Code of Conduct came into effect seized over Rs 2,464 crore worth of unaccounted cash, illicit liquor, drugs, gold and freebies.
According to Election Commission’ statement, Gujarat is on top of the list with total seizures worth around 516 crore rupees.
Gujarat is followed by Tamil Nadu around 476 crore rupees.
Delhi, Andhra Pradesh and Punjab States came in 3rd, 4th and 5th spots with Rs 389 crore, Rs 216 crore and Rs 194 crore respectively.
The Election Commission said, it has seized over Rs 628 crore cash from all over the country.
The Commission also said, it has seized drugs and narcotics worth one thousand 97 crore rupees.
It further said, precious metals worth Rs 490 crore, liquor worth over Rs 204 crore and freebies worth Rs 43 crore were seized.