Foreign Investors poured approximately Rs 7,850 crore into Equities and withdrew approximately Rs 136 crore from the debt segment between September 3rd to 27th, rendering into a cumulative net inflow of Rs 7,714 crore.
According to latest depositories data, Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) infused approximately Rs 7,714 crore into capital markets of India in the month of September.
The data explains FPIs poured approximately Rs 7,850 crore into equities and withdrew around Rs 136 crore from the debt segment between September 3rd to 27th, rendering into a cumulative net inflow of Rs 7,714 crore.
What Made FPIs invest in Indian capital markets?
These figures come out following a series of key decisions taken by the Indian Government on economic reforms.
The Indian government has recently slashed corporate tax rate by around 10 percentage points and also clarified that the enhanced tax surcharge will not apply on capital gains arising from sale of any security, including derivatives, in the hands of foreign portfolio investors (FPIs).
Besides, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) simplified KYC requirements for FPIs and granted them permission to carry out off-market transfer of Securities.