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What You Need To Know About Cybersecurity Working Group and Its Activities

The Warsaw Process which consists of seven expert-level working groups, is promoting stability in the Middle East through meaningful multilateralism that fosters deeper regional and global collaboration.

What To Know About Warsaw Process Cybersecurity Working Group and Its Activities
What To Know About Warsaw Process CyberSecurity Working Group and Its Activities

The Warsaw Process was launched by the United States and Poland in February 2019 following the Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East.

The Initiative, which consists of seven expert-level working groups, is promoting stability in the Middle East through meaningful multilateralism that fosters deeper regional and global collaboration.

On 7th and 8th of October, the United States, Poland, and the Republic of Korea convened the Warsaw Process Cybersecurity working group in Seoul.

Approximately 50 delegations from around the world participated in the working group.

According to U.S. Department of State’s statement, delegations discussed the importance of strengthening cooperation to promote stability in cyberspace, deter malicious cyber activity, combat cybercrime, and protect critical Infrastructure.

The working group will continue to facilitate cooperation on cyber issues with regional actors in advance of a second ministerial in 2020.