Support under NHM is provided for multi-skilling of doctors (through trainings like LSAS, EmoC), provision of incentives like hard area allowance to doctors for serving in rural and remote areas and construction of residential quarters for doctors so that they find it attractive to serve in public health facilities in such areas.
Further, in order to encourage the doctors to work in remote and difficult areas, the Medical Council of India with the previous approval of Central Government, has amended the Post Graduate Medical Education Regulations, 2000 to provide:
I. 50% reservation in Post Graduate Diploma Courses for Medical Officers in the Government service who have served for at least three years in remote and difficult areas; and,
II. Incentive at the rate of 10% of the marks obtained for each year in service in remote or difficult areas up to the maximum of 30% of the marks obtained in the entrance test for admissions in Post Graduate Medical Courses.