Home General Plan-wise Targets To Achieve Higher Levels of Literacy

Plan-wise Targets To Achieve Higher Levels of Literacy

In order to give fillip to the advancement of goals and objectives of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) relating to adult education, an Initiative was undertaken to align the Saakshar Bharat programme with SAGY in Saakshar Bharat districts through convergence of existing resources available under the scheme.

As a part of this initiative, it was aimed to make all out efforts to achieve 100 per cent literacy in 408 Saansad Adarsh Grams in 276 Saakshar Bharat districts spread in 23 States and One UT by 31st March, 2016.

Plan-wise targets are fixed to achieve higher levels of literacy in a phased manner. The present targets are to raise the overall literacy rate of the country to 80 per cent and reduce the gender gap to 10 percentage points by the end of XII Five Year Plan.

This information was given by the Union Human Resource Development Minister, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani on Thursday (April 28, 2016) in a written reply to a Rajya Sabha question.