Location and poverty are intimately linked. In India’s rapidly transforming Economy, living standards are much higher in ‘good’ locations and much worse in places that are not so good.
For instance, a family of four would spend Rs. 8,121 per month if it lived in urban Maharashtra state but only Rs. 3,735 a month if it resided in rural Bihar state.
Latest #Pathways2Prosperity series shows the ‘good’ and not so ‘good’ locations in #India and why we should pay attention to where people live in order to identify the key determinants of #poverty http://wrld.bg/fD75301WzNd
Pathways to Prosperity: An e-Symposium
Blog #9: Where you live decides how ‘well’ you live India is home to the largest number of poor people in the world, as well as the largest number of people who have recently escaped poverty. Over the next few weeks, this blog series will highlight recent research from the World Bank and its partner…