Home Business Sachin Fans Blasted British Airlines on Twitter

Sachin Fans Blasted British Airlines on Twitter

Fans of Sachin Tendulkar, called the God of Cricket by his fans, have today blasted British Airways when the airlines asked him his full name.

All this fuzz started when Tendulkar tweeted about how he was left disappointed due to the careless attitude of British airways. Sachin expressed his anger at the Airlines for keeping his family members in the waiting list despite seats being available. Moreover, his luggage was tagged to a wrong destination.

British Airways soon went into damage control mode and instead of sorting out the situation they made it even worse by asking for Sachin’s full name via a tweet.

A massive backlash from Twitter users has immediately started and forced British Airways to remove the tweet from their timeline. However, several users had already retweeted it and the outraged fans of Sachin ripped the airways on Twitter.