Bollywood actor Aamir Khan who had kicked a huge controversy by speaking about the intolerance in India few months back has now said that he had no plans to leave India.
“I love my country, I was born here and I will die here. I have never thought of leaving India and will never take such a step. I never said India is intolerant or I want to leave the country. There is no truth to this all,” Aamir told reporters while celebrating the 10th anniversary of his path breaking Film ‘Rang de Basanti’.
“Our country is diverse with so many languages, culture. No other country has so much diversity as India and that’s the strength of our country. But, despite this strength, if anybody tries to break us, that hurts me. Let’s not make this country weak. Let’s not spread poison and let’s live together,” Aamir added.
He blamed the media for misquoting him and added, “I love my country and I’m not able to live more than two weeks out of the country. I get homesick. I was hurt and along with me many people have been hurt because of this misunderstanding. I give this credit to you all because you all have twisted my words. I request you all that please don’t do this”.