Union Minister Bandaru Dattatreya has landed in legal trouble over the suicide of 25-year-old Phd student Rohith Vemula in Hyderabad Central University (HCU).
As per reports, Rohith committed suicide on 17th Jan evening after a disciplinary action was initiated against five dalit students including him by the HCU. The 5 Dalit students were asked to vacate campus hostel.
Students of the university have launched huge protests after the death of Rohith alleging that Dattatreya’s written letter to the Union HRD Ministry seeking action against Rohith and other Dalit scholars hurt him and the shame of social boycott led him to commit suicide. Situation at the Hyderabad Central University turned serious and RAF had to be deployed in campus.
Police booked case against university’s Vice Chancellor and Dattatreya as accuses A1 and A2 under the section 306 of the IPC and the SC/ST Act after a large group of students filed a complaint with the Gachibowli police.
The students alleged that the university administration acted in a haste to suspend Rohith without forming any inquiry panel.