Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh, who is being called as ‘Bajirao’ after his superb performance in latest release ‘Bajirao Mastani’, has made a stunning revelation that he lost his virginity when he was just 12.
Ranveer is well known for expressing his thoughts openly, not caring much about the consequences. However, the 30-year-old actor in his recent interview probably made a stunning revelation which might put his live in partner, leggy lass of bollywood, Deepika Padukone, in jeopardy.
At a promotional interview for Durex Condoms, for which the actor is working as brand ambassador, Ranveer revealed this interesting secret of having sex when he was just 12 of years age. He even confessed that his partner was older to him, a 14 year old girl. Ranveer further said that he used a condom to protect himself. ‘It was only curiosity that led me to have sex at such a young age,’ confessed Ranveer.
Whether it was just a promotional stunt for condom brand or his ‘Bajirao Mastani’, which is running in theaters or a genuine truth it left many baffled.