Bollywood Megastar Amitabh Bachchan said that it was a lucky escape that he left the venue of the Make In India cultural event just before a massive fire broke out on Sunday night.
He thanked fans for sending prayers and checking on his well-being soon after the fire accident. After Amitabh performed on the stage, he walked off to get into his car to leave the venue but the event’s production team wanted him to return to meet Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis.
Big B made a lengthy post on his blog to explain the scene, “I ask to be excused. It would be a breach of protocol, from my side… I would meet up with him later… and leave… An sms comes to me soon after… ‘Are you safe?’
“I am puzzled, I respond with a yes but why and then come to know of the fire that had immediately after my departure from the stage burst in and has engulfed the entire surrounding… The stage is gutted, it was massive in size, and anxious calls begin to come in, from all those that were seeing the programme on TV live,” posted the 73-year-old actor.
Thousands of people, including Maharashtra CM and Governor had to be evacuated after the fire broke out.
Aamir Khan, who was one of the attendees of the cultural extravaganza said that the fire at the venue was unfortunate and he was glad the crisis was handled well.
Aamir posted on Facebook, “The fire during the live show at Chowpatty was most unfortunate but the crisis was very well handled by the Mumbai police, fire department and the Maharashtra government. The evacuation was carried out smoothly resulting in no casualties and no panic. The CM stayed till the end to oversee the evacuation. Excellent disaster Management.”