The blockbuster success of Ram’s latest release ‘Nenu Sailaja’ has brought a new lease of life to him. However, someone special is going to retire with this Film.
Senior filmmaker Sravanthi Ravi Kishore, Ram’s uncle, who produced several classics under Sravanthi Movies banner, had been going through a rough patch before Nenu Sailaja happened as his recent most films Endukante Premanta, Masala and Shivam, all starring Ram, bombed at Box Office.
After successfully putting an end to his flop streak with Nenu Sailaja, Sravanthi Ravi Kishore revealed that he will stop producing films now. This doesn’t mean that his reputed Sravanthi Movies banner will be shut down but he is just passing on the production responsibility to Ram’s brother Krishna Chaitanya, who recently quit his job as a professional pilot to venture into films.
The immediate next project from this production house will also be directed by Nenu Sailaja’s director Kishore Tirumala and Ram will play lead. It will mark the debut of the young Krishna Chaitanya as the head of Sravanthi Movies.