Senior Filmmaker Dasari Narayana Rao has made many satirical comments targeting Ram Charan, albeit indirectly. Now he has once again strike back.
Speaking to media, Dasari said, ‘‘Rudhramadevi’, a historical film is made in Telugu after a long time and was released on 9th October. Generally big ticket films are released with a gap of two weeks so that everyone could benefit.
In the case of ‘Rudhramadevi’, two weeks gap is must to recover the Budget. However, one big film is releasing just after a week and another one is releasing after another week.
3 big films releasing in 3 weeks will not help Industry but create scarcity of theatres. No one will benefit from this and it must be good if the film releasing next week postpones’.
Despite Dasari didn’t take the name of ‘Bruce Lee’, even a small kid can say that he is asking the makers of ‘Bruce Lee’ to postpone the film.
Is it fair from senior director to make such comments when the released date of ‘Bruce Lee’ was locked almost 4 months ago?