According to the latest survey report, WhatsApp has failed almost every criteria in a blistering new Online Privacy report.
A report by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) says, people who are concerned about keeping their information private ought to delete WhatsApp and stay away from Google and Microsoft services and rather use Apple and Dropbox.
A report from the EFF, called ‘Who Has Your Back?’, has ranked the biggest Technology organizations on how transparent and protective they are when it comes to users information.
WhatsApp was scrutinized on every measure, and got the most exceedingly awful positioning.
The chat application is owned by Facebook but was appraised independently from it. However, the Facebook got approval on almost every criteria.
Apple was one of a few companies that got approvals on each of the five of the survey’s criteria. Organizations including Dropbox, Adobe, Wikimedia, WordPress and Yahoo also scored full checks.
The report positions technology organizations based on five criteria:
Whether they take after Best practices for information security
Whether the organization tells users when the government demands their information
Whether they are open about their Policies on data maintenance
Whether they disclose when government requests for content to be removed, and
Whether they openly oppose indirect accesses that let the government get easy access to information.