Indian Cricket team captain Mahender Singh Dhoni has hit back at a Hindi daily, Sun Star, for making Match-Fixing allegations against him. He threatened the media house to sue to the tune of Rs 100 Crore.
Sun Star had carried out a sting operation with former Team India Manager Sunil Dev. After this operation, Sunil Dev allegedly said that Dhoni was involved in the match-fixing of the final Test match against England at Old Trafford in 2014.
He alleged Dhoni chose to bat even after Team Management decided to field first if they win the toss. This resulted in India losing the game with England completing a white wash.
Later, Sunil Dev denied making those allegations against Dhoni. He even warned Sun Star of legal action if the sting operation was made public.
Dhoni has now served legal notice to Sun Star asking it either to prove the match-fixing claims or issue an apology statement. Dhoni even warned of filing a defamation suit to the tune of Rs 100 crore for causing mental trauma.