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Digital Gender Atlas

Digital Gender Atlas has been developed to identify the low performing geographic pockets for girls, particularly from marginalised groups such as scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and Muslim Minorities, on specific gender related education indicators.

The Atlas is designed around the two broad areas of performance of girls’ education and vulnerabilities visualized in the following five sections:

  1. Comparative Composite Index based Quartile Ranking grouped under categories of access, Infrastructure, teachers and outcome indicators and based on 25 indicators pertaining to primary, upper primary and secondary level which can be visualized at State, district and block level.
  2. A Trend Analysis of the performance status of 25 individual indicators can be visualised at State, district and block levels over three years viz 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14.
  3. Spatial Distribution of Special Focus Districts. These are districts with a Population of 25% and above of people belonging to Schedule Tribes (109 districts), Schedule Castes (61 districts), Muslims  (88 districts with a muslim Population of more than 20%), minority community (121 districts as identified by Ministry of Minority Affairs under PM’s 15 PPP), Left Wing Extremist affected districts (88 districts identified by Ministry of Home Affairs), Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) districts (161 districts) and Educationally Backward Blocks (3479 blocks).
  4. Vulnerability status of an area based on a composite index of 3 broad indicators (i) rural female literacy (ii) percentage girls/boys married below the legal age of marriage and (iii) working Children can be visualized. Separate visualisations are given for working Children for the following sub-indicators: disaggregation by gender and age for the 5-9 years, 10-14 years and 15-19 years age groups as well as for marriage below the legal age. These maps are available up to the district level.
  5. Children with Disabilities: The performance status of six individual indicators can be visualized at state and district level across three years i.e. 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14.This Digital Gender Atlas can be accessed at website www.rmsaindia.gov.in® Gender Atlas.

All the states have been mapped in the Digital Gender Atlas. The states have been using it as a planning tool to come up with strategies for inputs for the state SSA and RMSA annual plans.

This information was given by the Minister of State (HRD), Shri Upendra Kushwaha today in a written reply to a Lok Sabha question.


AK/RK/Digital Gender Atlas