Home BIG Story Donald Trump goes off track during his speech and hugs the flag...

Donald Trump goes off track during his speech and hugs the flag instead

US President Donald Trump went off script and summoned Robert Mueller, FBI investigator for accusing him with “bullshit.”

Robert Mueller is carrying out the investigation against Trump over supposed collaboration with Russia.

Trump hugged American flag.

US President Donald Trump was addressing the Audiences at Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) where he went off script and summoned Robert Mueller, FBI investigator for accusing him with “bullshit.”

Robert Mueller is carrying out the investigation against Trump over supposed collaboration with Russia. Other than Trump, many other high profile individuals have resigned due to the survey.

Trump was in no mood to fire the respected former FBI director who investigated with utmost secrecy.

Earlier in November, Trump fired former U.S. Senator from Alabama who was the first Republican lawmaker to back Trump’s Presidential bid.

Trump’s speech lasted for nearly two years after which Trump hugged American flag. It was the Longest Speech since his reign. He also showed optimism towards his re-election in 2020.