Tamil actor Vishal, who has been facing heat because of the upcoming Nadigar Sangam elections, has now sought police protection after receiving calls threatening danger for his life.
As per reports, Vishal’s manager filed a complaint with the police alleging that few unknown people spoke to Vishal over phone and warned him of dire consequences if he contests in the forthcoming election.
In the wake of threat calls, Security is beefed up at Vishal’s residence and office in Chennai. Vishal is contesting for General Secretary position against Radha Ravi of senior actor and incumbent President Sharath Kumar’s group.
Pre-poll surveys have hinted that Vishal’s camp could emerge victorious in the elections to be held on October 18th. However, Sharath Kumar’s Camp seems to be not willing to give up the fight.
Starting with war of words, the tussle between the two groups led to defamation suits and police complaints.