A team of Bengaluru Metropolitan Regional Development Authority (BMRDA) has recently visited Andhra Pradesh capital Amaravati to find out how massive land was acquired by the government using the land acquisition act.
In fact, the BMRDA proposed to set up the satellite township of Bidadi in 2006-07. DLF bagged the project after bids have been called for. However, DLF backed out from the project soon and the Government couldn’t pool massive private lands under the Land Acquisition Act.
Now, after getting inspired by the Amaravati model, the Karnataka government is set to construct the satellite township in Benguluru.
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandra Babu Naidu led TDP government has successfully inspired other states with the acquisition of massive land for the construction of Capital city Amaravati. Even though there were protests and few concerns, the state govt. ably handled them all and is set to start the capital construction.