Within a gap of mere 10 days, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has shown the door to 2 Telugu-speaking ministers, BV Ramana and TKM Chinnaiah from her cabinet.
The AIADMK government and Jayalalithaa seem to be angry with the Telugus of late. Earlier, Jayalalithaa had made Tamil the sole medium of instruction, in her bid to create inconvenience to the Telugu speaking students in Tamil Nadu. She continued to show her hatred towards Telugus in one or other way.
In the fresh development, Tamil Nadu Governor K. Rosaiah has sacked TKM Chinnaiah from the Cabinet following recommendation by Jayalalithaa.
Most of the Tamil politicians have Andhra origins, including ex-Chief Minister M. Karunanaidhi. Only Jayalalithaa can explain why she is holding the linguistic grudge.
If she has any animosity with the Telugu governments, she should handle it directly but bothering Telugu people living in Tamil Nadu is not the correct way.