TDP MLA and actor Nandamuri Balakrishna has received a gift worth Rs 5.70 Cr from the Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhara Rao (KCR).
Apparently, Balakrishna had some time back met Telangana CM and appealed him to waive building regularization tax for Basavatarakam Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, which is run by the Actor-turned-Politician. At that time, KCR assured all possible help to Balakrishna.
Now, the TS government has exempted Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital from building regularization tax. The move saves around Rs 5.70 Cr for the Hospital. A Government Order was also issued in this regard.
Currently, renovation work is under progress at Basavatarakam Cancer Hospital. Rooms & Toilets are being constructed for the kin of patients to provide them with comfortable stay. The hospital Management was supposed to pay Rs 5.70 Cr tax to Telangana Government.
However, the good hearted KCR has waived this tax after being requested by Balakrishna.