UP State, which is known to house crimes mainly rapes, has recorded yet another heinous crime. In a shocking incident, a minor girl was gang raped due to political vendetta and the police did not act at all until the girl committed suicide.
Going into the details, mother of the victim, 11th standard minor girl, won the recent Block Development Council Elections in Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh. Angered political rivals immediately abducted her daughter and gang raped her with no mercy.
In fact, the crime was committed on 23rd of this month but it came to light only after the girl committed suicide by hanging herself at their residence. The girl named the culprits after she returned home post gang rape and her mother approached the police to register a case, but the police authorities didn’t pay attention to her complaint. Upset by the inaction of police, the victim committed suicide.
After this suicide, cops registered FIR and took the accused into custody. Victim’s dead-body was sent for post-mortem. The victims’ family is hopeful that justice will be served to them.