Kapu leader Mudragada Padmanabham has launched his hunger strike today, as announced earlier. The other day, CM Chandrababu Naidu sent a couple of his party MLAs to convince Mudragada but the efforts did not turn fruitful.
Mudragada along with his family members sat for fast unto death at his residence in Kirlampudi, demanding the State Government to include Kapu community in the BC category. Before sitting for fast he spoke to media and asked his followers not to throng into Kirlampudi to his residence.
He added that his life was dedicated to Kapu’s empowerment. He asked all kapus to skip the lunch and make a sound by tapping on the plates at their respective homes so that neighbors could know that every kapu member is skipping lunch. He added that he would continue the fast in the prison even if he was arrested.
Meanwhile, tension prevails in Kirlampudi village as people from neighboring villages try to come in. A large deployment of security forces including a bunch of water cannons and anti-riot equipment is witnessed by the people in Kirlampudi.