This year the Andhra Pradesh has a total of 3,66,61,315 electors. As per the data sourced from the National Election Planner, the number of electors in Andhra Pradesh includes 18123437 men, 18474714 Women and 3745 others.
As many as 56908 Service electors and 2511 overseas Indian electors are also part of the Electoral Roll 2019.
Number of Women electors in the Andhra Pradesh is more than men electors by 3,51,277 (1.93 percent).
Also, there are 5,39,804 electors in the State who are in the age group of 18-19 years.
If we combine 2,95,30,838 electors of Telangana and 3,66,61,315 electors in Andhra Pradesh, the total number of electors has increased by 12,58,015 (i.e. 1.94 percent) since the previous General Election-2014 in the undivided Andhra Pradesh.
It may be noted that polling percentage was highest at 74.64 percent in undivided Andhra Pradesh in the last General Elections -2014.
The number of electors and polling percentage for the State in previous General Elections is given in the table below:
General Election Year | Number of Electors in Andhra Pradesh | Polling Percentage | ||
Male | Female | Total | ||
2019 | 18123437
18474714 | 36661315** | – |
2014 | 32676266 | 32252318 | 64934138* | 74.64 |
2009 | 28684841 | 29207418 | 57892259 | 72.70 |
2004 | 25355118 | 25791224 | 51146342 | 69.95 |
1999 | 24771335 | 24883054 | 49654389 | 69.14 |
1998 | 24532867 | 24600268 | 49133135 | 66.00 |
1996 | 24735268 | 24766006 | 49501274 | 63.02 |
1991 | 21387877 | 21230096 | 42617973 | 61.42 |
1989 | 21273312 | 21201867 | 42475179 | 70.43 |
1984 | 16631513 | 16914974 | 33546487 | 68.97 |
1980 | 15081626 | 15415977 | 30497603 | 56.93 |
1977 | 13757025 | 13810593 | 27567618 | 62.47 |
1971 | 11389302 | 11308603 | 22697905 | 59.13 |
1967 | – | – | 21091212 | 66.97 |
1962 | 9585927 | 9151929 | 18737856 | 64.72 |
1957 | 17668716 | |||
1951 |
Sources – ECI website
* Includes 5554 third gender electors; additionally there were 5 overseas electors and 46329 service electors in the State
** Includes 3745 third gender electors, 2511 overseas electors and 56908 service electors (data sourced from National Election Planner)