JanaSena party President Pawan Kalyan thanked microblogging and social networking service company Twitter for restoring JanaSena followers accounts.

JanaSena Party president Pawan Kalyan on Friday (20th of September) thanked microblogging and Social Networking service company Twitter for restoring JanaSena party followers accounts.
Mr. Kalyan wrote on his Twitter page, “My wholehearted thanks to Twitter India for upholding the constitutional right “Freedom of Expression” by unsuspending all the Janasena party followers twitter accounts and for the timely swift response.”
Twitter had reportedly suspended over 400 accounts of JanaSena party activists for unknown reasons.
Mr. Kalyan had reacted to the move on 18th of September and said, “I don’t understand the reason for suspending 400 twitter accounts of Janasena supporters. The reason behind the suspension of these accounts ; just for standing by helpless people and their issues? And how do we understand this?”