Home Entertainment Rajnikanth and Vijay Offer Shelter for Flood Victims

Rajnikanth and Vijay Offer Shelter for Flood Victims

Superstars of Tamil cinema, Rajnikanth and Vijay have come forward to offer assistance to the victims of Tamil Nadu floods.

Rajnikanth has already donated Rs 10 Lakh towards the relief of the victims. As many people have lost shelter due to continuous rains, both Rajini and Vijay offered their Kalyana Mandapams as a temporary stay for them.

Rajinikanth’a Sri Raghavendra kalyana mandapam in Kodambakkam and Vijay’s Shoba kalyana mandapam in Saligramam, Chennai have been offered by the two stars for people.

We have already reported that our Tollywood stars have heavily donated big amounts of money for the relief works. Union government has released Rs 1000 Crore towards the relief works.