Veteran Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor has criticized the organizers of a recent awards function for giving away an award to actress Parineeti Chopra for losing weight.
Parineeti Chopra received the ‘Style Icon of The Year’ award at this particular award ceremony for following a strict fitness regime for around 9 months to get slim and toned body. But, it did not stop the 63-year-old actor from commenting against the organizers and the actress for this awkward award.
Rishi Kapoor said, “I couldn’t believe it when they recently gave an award to Parineeti Chopra for losing weight. Can someone please give me an award for gaining weight?”
Rishi Kapoor was also presented Lifetime Achievement Award but he still took potshots by calling that these Award Ceremonies don’t hold any significance in his life. He questioned the desperation of Organizers to make everyone happy.
Talking about his Lifetime Achievement Award, he revealed that organizers pleaded him to accept it. He further said, “I never did believe in popular awards. It’s gotten much worse now. I use award trophies as doorstops in my home. What they have done to Film awards is truly tragic.”