The European Union urged China to change the situation in Xinjiang, where an estimated 1 million Minorities are held in internment camps.

The European Union (EU) on 9th of May urged China to change the situation in Xinjiang, where an estimated 1 million Minorities are held in internment camps.
Nicolas Chapuis , EU ambassador to Beijing, told the media that European Union has made clear to the Chinese side its evaluation and expectations.
The EU ambassador also urged China to change the situation in Xinjiang.
China on the other hand has defended its actions, telling the camps as voluntary “vocational education centres” intended at steering people away from religious extremism, terrorism and separatism.
The Xinjiang conflict is a conflict in China’s far-west province of Xinjiang centred around the Uyghurs, a Turkic minority ethnic group who make up the largest group in the region.
In recent years, Government Policy has been marked by mass surveillance, increased arrests, and a system of “re-education camps”, estimated to hold hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs and members of other Muslim minority groups.