Bollywood star hero Hrithik Roshan’s 42nd birthday bash held at the Four Seasons 5-star Hotel in Worli, Mumbai, on 9th Jan night, caused the Mumbai police to fine the hotel Management Rs 25,000.
In fact, without taking prior permission, party was organized and music blared loudly from the bash until the wee hours of the next morning, which stopped at 3.30 am only after the management of the hotel was fined Rs 12,500 the second time that night after a local resident complained repeatedly about the loud noise well past the 10 pm deadline.
The party was attended by several celebs and posh cars were double and triple-parked in the surroundings of the hotel, blocking traffic. After receiving the complaint, police paid first visit to the hotel at 1.30 am and charged the manager a fine of Rs 12,500. However, the loud music did not stop and forced the police to come back at 3.30 am to fine the manager the same amount, forcing the party to end.
Hrithik’s spokesperson refused to comment.